Overall, I would say that Addie did a pretty good job on our trip. We had a great time! The flights went rather smooth (thank you Lord!) We took Addie to Sea World, Palm Springs Zoo, the pool and mostly visited with family. Here are a few (not really, a lot) pictures of our trip. The first picture is at the zoo, it was soooo hot - look at Addie's pink cheeks! This is a picture by the pool. Jason's grandparents live in a condo in Palm Springs so we took advantage of the pool one day. Addie loves to swim and look at the view.
Sea World. I think this was Addie's favorite day (mine too!) We spent the entire day there (minus her nap). This first picture is Addie and I trying to pet the sting rays (they don't sting). I think she would have stayed here all day. She loves playing in water.
We had a great time! We are so thankful for a nice time with family and a safe trip! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.