So many choices! Addie is in a stage where she does not like to have her picture taken, which drives me crazy! I think after a bunch of pictures we were finally able to get one that would work for our Christmas cards. I love the Christmas season and I love to hear Addie explain what it is all about. We are so blessed!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Oh the Christmas Card...
Posted by Jackie Bragg at 9:04 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fall Fun!
Posted by Jackie Bragg at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Loving every minute in the swing. He is so happy! He is just so much fun, I think we are going to have our hands full with this little guy. I can't believe that he is already 7 months old! He looks like a little man.
Addie loves to swing too! I think we go to playground just to swing but I guess if that is what she likes that is what we'll do. She is growing up and saying all kinds of funny things. It is amazing to watch them grow and learn.
Addie's first day of school! She was GREAT! Not even a tear. She loves school, I just wish she would talk to me about it. She says "I don't want to talk about it right now", everyday after school. What is that all about?
This time of year is always crazy. Know that I am back to work, Addie is in school and Jacob is here we have had to do a lot of adjusting! Jacob is finally sleeping better (only waking up once) so that makes me feel better and not so tired. Addie is back in OT which was a bummer but it is going well and hopefully she won't have to stay in it too long. Jason is still working like crazy and doing free lance on the side, which helps! I have been slacking on the blog lately but I hope to get back into it soon and update it more frequently. Overall, we are doing well and loving every minute of our two kiddos! They are such blessings!
Posted by Jackie Bragg at 8:34 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It has been a while....
Addie is saying all kinds of hilarious statements like "I will be right back, I need to go check my email". She is going to be 3 this next month and starting preschool. I have started planning her birthday party and she has requested princesses (her new favorite thing). I will be attempting to make a princess cake, we will see how that goes. She is growing up so fast.
Jacob is already 4 months old and the happiest baby I have ever seen! He loves to laugh which is just adorable. I need to try to get it on tape soon. He is teething all 4 lateral incisors (poor boy) but seems to be doing okay with occasional Tylenol.
Jason is leaving this next weekend with the Seekers, so please say a prayer for the team, their ministry and their safety.
I have been pretty busy with the kids and I started boot camp this past week. I really enjoy it and I am already seeing results which makes it worth it.
The summer is flying by and here are a few pictures of what we have been up to lately.
Emma Rose Kaufer (my sisters baby) was born a few weeks ago. She is adorable!
We took Addie to her first Riverbats game on Father's Day. She had a great time and loved the playground. It was crazy hot but we still enjoyed it.
Addie loves to bake (mostly just mix whatever it is I am cooking). We do this a lot especially on really hot days or rainy days.
Posted by Jackie Bragg at 10:13 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Rice = A Little More Sleep!
Yes, I started cereal. Yes, he was only 3 months old. Yes, he is now only waking up 1-2 times a night!!!! YEAH! We are getting there. These are a few pictures of his first time eating cereal and might I add he did great! It was so hard to get Addie to eat (and still is) but he loved it. As you can see by these crazy smiles!Addie sleeping. She is wearing pajamas with a second pair around her ankles, laying on her blanket nit under it and has her pillow propped up on the railing. I guess I should just be thankful she is sleeping!
This is my neice, Kaitlyn. She was baptized this past Sunday! YEAH! We are very happy for her. That is my brother-in-law baptizing her.
We have been doing well. Very busy. This is my first week off for the summer and I am very excited about that. There is still not much sleep going on at my house so I am pretty tired but other than that we are doing great. Addie is adjusting well and is a great big sister. I am so thankful, she loves Jacob so much. It is very fun to watch them together. I can't believe how big he is getting, time flies. We had baby dedication at church a few weekends ago, it turned out nice. We had family over after the service. Addie thought that it was his birthday since we had cake. She cracks me up, if there is cake it must be a birthday. We had a cake for my niece yesterday and Addie started singing the happy birthday song! We are having fun and loving every minute of it! We are soooo blessed!
P.S. Does anyone know how to get rid of the underlined text? It drives me crazy. Sometimes its there and sometimes its not. Thanks. :-)
Posted by Jackie Bragg at 2:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
For Sale...
Posted by Jackie Bragg at 10:20 PM 0 comments