
Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh the Christmas Card...

So many choices! Addie is in a stage where she does not like to have her picture taken, which drives me crazy! I think after a bunch of pictures we were finally able to get one that would work for our Christmas cards. I love the Christmas season and I love to hear Addie explain what it is all about. We are so blessed!


katy said...

Haha, two definitely makes it a whole new ballgame, I'm sure! How is Jacob so tan? Has he been going to the tanning bed? :)

david, blair, and sadie beth said...

I cannot get over how Jacob's hair is lightening up just like Addie's did. What a riot. I love the last picture. So sweet. He's getting so big. And I love hearing kids talk about Christmas. Sadie Beth has been walking around saying, "S'not MY birthday, it's Baby Jesus birthday!" :)