
Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun Times!

We have been sooo busy but we are having sooo much fun! Our Sweet Adeline is a precious gift and she brings such joy to our lives! Since I have been off work we have been all over doing fun things and enjoying evey minute of it! We have been to the zoo, to the Splash Park in the zoo, Papa Johns to feed the ducks, Bowman Field to watch the airplanes, swimming in her pool in the backyard, the pet store to watch the fish, Jason's softball games (she loves being outside) and more. We are having a blast this summer, I just wish it was not so hot (and the secadas would leave)! Here are some recent pictures of our adventures. How sweet is that face?!?!?! I love those cheeks. She loves the water, I think she would stay out there all day if I let her.
She was watching Clifford and reading a Clifford book. Clifford is coming close to being her new favorite character.
Sleepy, time for bed!
Papa John's Corporate office on Blankenbaker. It is such a nice place to feed the ducks. Addie likes to explore (as long as mommy and daddy are close by).

Feeding the ducks.
One of the ducks nipped at her fingers and this was her response (after the crying stopped). It was hysterical! No more bread for the ducks.
We bought this pool toy at a garage sale for $.25. She liked it so much that it was a required bath toy that night.
What fun we are having with our sweet girl! We hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying everyday.
"Command those who are rich in this present world not the be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth , which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."
1 Timothy 6:17


Jenn's Blog said...

Yes, being a mom is so fun:) I love to see how much you enjoy your addie. I'm glad there are other mothers that enjoy it as much as I do!
Any luck so far??

david, blair, and sadie beth said...

Awww...look how much fun you guys are having! And crack me up about refusing to feed the ducks after getting her fingers nipped. I loved the pictures, thanks for sharing. See you soon hopefully!