
Monday, May 12, 2008

Wonderful Husband...

Okay, I have a little bragging to do on my husband. He made me feel extra special this past weekend. I came home Friday from work to balloons and flowers all over the house. Each vase of flowers had sweet messages attached. Jason let Addie pick out balloons with him and she of couse picked out a Happy Birthday Dora balloon (Friday was my birthday). On Mother's Day, he let me sleep in and then he made a wonderful breakfast (all by himself) and he cleaned it up. Then he gave me pearl earrings with a matching necklace, along with a card decorated by Addie. We went to my moms and he was in charge of making the vegetables for my family (14 of us). He made green bean casserole and corn on the cob (both were very tasty). I was impressed (he is not usually into cooking).

I am very thankful to have a husband that would go so far out of his way to make this past weekend so special. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!

I hope all of you had a special day too!

Addie update: she is feeling much better but she is still fussy. She has had a virus since last Tuesday running a fever that hit 104 several days in a row. It was pretty scary but the doctor assured us that she was okay. We spent a lot of time taking baths and watching Clifford - her new favorite cartoon. At one point, she had a very high fever and we needed to put her in the bath but she was so fussy all she wanted to do was watch Clifford. We have a smaller TV out in the garage so Jason brought it inside and she literally watched Clifford while she was taking a bath. It was quite entertaining but it worked.

I am down to 5 working days left! Yeah! I am still not sure about next year but hopefully I will hear something soon. Have a great week.


katy said...

Wow, way to go Jason! I am very impressed!! I hope that Addie gets that bug totally out of her system soon! Nothing is worse than a sick baby. :(